One month trying to live as a minimalist
Around 30 days ago I left my job in Recife with the goal of bootstrapping a digital product while living off my savings and/or freelance jobs.
Playing the long game
Navigating my 20s while roaming around the world for nice food, good WiFi and great people. Interested in software, bootstrapped businesses, cryptocurrencies, travel and writing
Around 30 days ago I left my job in Recife with the goal of bootstrapping a digital product while living off my savings and/or freelance jobs.
It’s been some time since I wrote something (36 days, to be more exact). Lifelogging was the goal when I started this blog, so I think it’s time to “formalize” it.
I thought that writing a post about my long and short term goals is a good idea to keep me accountable so here I am.
Eu já tentei lançar um monte de coisas desde 2015. Desde sistemas de gestão até sistemas para clínicas e marketplaces super complexos B2B2C (essa última eu tentei umas três vezes).
Hello World! 🚀🤓